Study Method

Playway method:

The playway method is a more spontaneous one, which demand creativity from both the teacher and the child. Playway may not be a structured and documented system but more an adaption of best practices from across the world, with a greater emphasis on physical activities such as role-play, music and movement, art and crafts, stories. At the age of 2 to 5 years, children are still learning how to communicate and play becomes their preferred medium of expression.

A theory, that differentiates intelligence and learning into various specific (primarily sensory) modalities, rather than seeing it as a single general ability. Simply put – different children have different learning styles. The theory proposes that eight abilities govern the learning process in any individual, especially children – spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic.

Children the opportunity to:

  • Learn various dimensions of syllabus with the help of projector.
  • Explore and discover for themselves what is meant by right and wrong.
  • Develop greater empathy and therefore more compassion for others.
  • Acknowledge the uniqueness, value and worth of themselves and their friends, teachers and families.
  • Take greater responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
  • Discover how to be happy, confident and respectable members of society.
  • Ready-to-use lesson plans which require minimal preparation.
  • Calmer classrooms, as children become more considerate towards their teachers and one another.